BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About Web Access > Working with references

Working with references

If a vault only uses reference types that are managed automatically by Meridian, then your responsibility for managing references is minimized to simply viewing and verifying references as necessary. But if a vault also uses reference types that are created manually, then reference management can also include creating and deleting references.

Related concepts

About Web Access

Understanding the shortcut menus

About read only Web Access

Related tasks

Viewing references

Creating references

Opening a vault

Navigating to a document

Finding documents

Creating a folder

Creating documents

Uploading documents

Working with document workflows

Building a report

Working with work areas

Working with hybrid documents

Setting personal preferences

Sending document shortcuts from Web Access

Logging off

Related information

Document shortcut menu details

Folder shortcut menu details

Selection shortcut menu details

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